News Releases

Policy Update: Reminder of the renewal and Issuance of New uniform ID No. for Foreign Nationals
Oct 25, 2021

親愛的保戶 您好




  • 您可以撥打客戶服務專線0800-339-899由客服人員協助提供契約變更申請書辦理變更。

  • 如有其他相關問題,歡迎於上班時間致電本公司客戶服務專線0800-339-899我們將竭誠為您服務,感謝您的配合與支持。


Dear insured

In order to establish a friendly environment for foreign nationals, the Ministry of the Interior National Immigration Agency (the NIA) has implemented the policy of the new UI No. for foreign nationals since January 2, 2021, which changes the original UI No. from the original format consisting of two English letters followed by eight digits to a new format consisting of one English letter followed by nine digits.

[For more information, please visit the NIA's official website, or call the Immigration Department's service stations, the 1996 Home Affairs Service Hotline, or the Consultation Service Hotline for Foreign Residents Living in Taiwan (0800-024-111).]

If you have applied for your new UI No. with the NIA, please be mindful of the following contents,

  • You  can call customer service hotline 0800-339-899 to our customer service staff to obtain the Policy Change Application Form for your personal information update .

  • If you have any further questions, please call our customer service hotline at 0800-339-899, and we will be more than happy to assist you. Thank you for your assistance and support.